Commercial Property in Noida

Anthurium Office Space in Noida: Investing in First Impressions

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Heard of an axiom, ‘First Impression is the last Impression’? and you know what it takes to make that first good impression; dressing up for an interview, booking an all equipped board room for high profile business meeting or carefully selecting your photo for your social media accounts – but when was the last time you actually paid attention to the thought about how your employees, visitors and most importantly CLIENTS experience your workspace? If such an experience is not included in your business discussions, its time to actually bring it up. Here are a few reasons WHY?

Presentation Is Everything

You might have the best list of employees in the world; however, it won’t have any kind of positive effect if your office space is messy, muddled, or uncomfortable. Reports show that it takes only 10 seconds for the visitors to have their opinion on their surroundings, which means you have only a few seconds to make that good first impression. And trust us, first impression goes far beyond your reception area and extends to – signage, pathways, hallways, bathrooms, common workspace and parking. All these things greatly contribute to your visitor’s response towards your company. Here are a couple of the things you ought to give close consideration to when trying to invest in an office space in Noida that is presentable –

a) Cleanliness – It might sound uncalled for, yet our eyes have a propensity of skipping things that we see every day. Think through – is your reception area thoroughly clean and well-organized? How frequently you hire professionals for detailed cleaning? Are your bathrooms tidy and well-stocked? For businesses that are consumer centric, it is important to have a wide-scoped cleaning service, which requires both time, money and attention to the details.

b) Clear Signage – Is your organization sign clearly visible from the street? Is the signage visible from the parking area? Does the guests know here to go once they reach your floor? Do you need multilingual signs to suit your guests? Having detailed, clear signs help guests in comfortable movement from parking to reception, especially when it is their first visit.

c) Comfort factors – We are not saying that you have recliners to soothe their bodies, however if the furniture in your lobby is dingy and upholstery is torn, it is good to add a few nicely padded chairs or something comfortable and less expensive. Some extra touches may include – availability of water, tea, coffee or even a bowl of candies.

The Perfect First Impression

Suppose you are a potential client to a B2B IT Company and you have your first in-person meeting to attend with their sales team. Just a few hours before the meeting, you receive an automated email with details like – meeting timings and other important information like – driving directions, information on parking, how to reach the reception and a personalized digital map to help you reach the meeting room after entering the building. With all the affirmed subtleties in-hand, as a first-time visitor, you feel confident about the place.

When you reach the given address, you see that in spite of the fact that the office space is tucked away from the road, the company has clear signage for the visitors to turn-in. After adhering to the parking details mentioned in the mail and the instructions reinforced on-site, you park your car and head towards the reception area. A friendly face welcomes you and directs you towards the lobby area to have a seat. The receptionist might start her process of informing about your arrival to your business contact; fortunately, the way to the restroom is marked clearly and when you return from the (tidy and well-stocked) restroom, she is ready to guide you to the meeting room.

Arriving at the meeting room, you see digital signage with the conference room name or number and reservation details. Water, Coffee awaits you and all tech equipment has been setup, so you can start your meeting without delays. After a fruitful meeting session when you decide to leave the premises, the sales person offers to guide you to the parking area, but there is no need for that and you decline politely since you have a digital map on your phone.

What you think, if you have such an experience with a company (obviously who also has the caliber to pull off your business), would you like to be their client? Let us know in the comment section below.

A professional and smooth experience for all the visitors entering your office premises require attention to detail, cautious planning and a thoughtful combination of many moving parts, which can only be achieved if you have your workspace in a building or business park, which is known for an outstanding first impression.

Choose your office space WISELY and earn never-ending dividends in the future.

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